Sunday, August 11, 2013

August 11th - DIY - Bed in a bag

I'm into DYI's, and  if it's easy, cheap and looks nice I totally love it. So when I saw this "bed in a bag"-pin I decided to do one or two myself. Haven't done them yet but I sure will (I will show you when it's done of course!). Isn't it cute?

Previous pinner said: Used a twin sheet ( that I found for $2.24 clearance) folded long ways. Sewed 5 sections to the size of pillowcases and slipped the pillows in. I left each 'pillow compartment' end open so the pillows can be removed and we can wash the cover. Kids love it on the family room floor!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

August 10th - what scares you the most?

One thing that seems to scare the most of us - are clowns. Yet I can't help being fascinated by them. There is something about the sad and melancolic look on their faces that makes me want to know more about them.

I have a board on Pinterest called Clowns if you want to se more of my pins.

Friday, August 9, 2013

August 9th 2013 - Playful photography with a lovely flower skirt

I enjoy taking photos, don't you? I am truly inspired by people who actually CAN take photographs. :) But what REAAALLY inspires me are people who CAN take photographs and do so in a different playful way than I would ever imagine doing my self.

'Nuff said! Look at this wonderful photo. I so wish I came up with the idea. Isn't it lovely?

If you want to see the original website for this pin, Please visit 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

First day - taking a nap in the hammock

I have been thinking of doing this for quite some time now. There is no timeline on pinterest, so I decided to create my own - with this blog. I wont put all my pins on here, just the very best - and maybe even the worst :)

So... We must start with something,  right?
The summer isn't over yet - so let's hold on to it by laying down in this wonderful "hammock". Wouldn't you just love to have this in your garden? I know I truly would! :)